Tuesday, October 10, 2006

What is the Secret Longing of Your Heart?

Greetings Friends,

Ernest Holmes, the founder of Religious Science, asks in his book: This Thing Called Life:

What is the secret longing of your heart? If you saw an advertisement which read: You can learn how to be well, happy and successful; you can learn how to influence people; how to create your own destiny, would this have a greater attraction for you than an advertisement which read: You can learn how to help others? Or would you be even more intrigued by this advertisement: Do you wish to become one of the molders of human destiny?

Does one of those statements jump out at you? What indeed is the secret longing of your heart? Whether it’s for greater success, greater health, greater prosperity or to become a “molder of human destiny”--Universal Principles, when correctly used, allow you to create the life you truly desire. Imagine a day when you stop just dreaming about the secret longings of your heart and actually begin creating them! Imagine a day when you stopped wishing and started manifesting. So think for a moment, delve really deep, what is the secret longing of your heart? I know you have one, or perhaps many. Are you ready to open up to all the good there is to allow this secret longing to come to fruition or are you just going to keep on wishing and hoping?

There is a Power for Good in the Universe and we can all learn how to use it. Unfortunately we don’t learn to use this Power for Good by whining and moaning about everything we don’t want. If this were the case many of us would already be master manifestors. We do, however, learn to use the Power for Good by getting clear on what the secret longing of our hearts is, applying Universal Principles and taking action to bring our dreams to fruition. There is a power for good in the universe and you can learn to use it! One proactive step would be to take The Secrets of The Secret class (http://dare2create.com) which begins again this Thursday evening in Phoenix.

Blessings to you and happy manifesting.

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