Friday, October 13, 2006


Greetings Friends,

It has been an amazing week! The latest Secrets of "The Secret" class had approximately 125 people who showed up! Amazing, glorious, wonderful people who are ready to begin really using The Secret in their lives, as well as people who are not new to The Secret, but who are ready to apply it to all areas of their lives.

Thought by thought, feeling by feeling we are truly rewiring those neurotransmitters and aligning with what it is we choose to create in our lives. Thought by thought, feeling by feeling we are collectively continuing to change the vibration of the planet.

May your day be truly blessed!

1 comment:

Brigitte London said...

Hi Dr. Mitzi,
I just wanted to say hello. I've enjoyed reading your have wonderful energy and are doing such great work. Love and light to you.