Monday, October 30, 2006

To Pit or Not to Pit

Do you have control over your thoughts or are you are a slave to every single thought that passes through your mind?

Sometimes it's easy to feel joy, love, happiness and freedom. Other times, however, when something challenging is going on in our lives, it's all too easy to fall into the trap of letting those feelings of sadness, anger, self-pity and despair take over. I call that being in The Pit. Yet the truth is we do have a choice as to how long we want to stay in The Pit. We can choose to be there in fetal position totally enslaved by our thoughts or we can choose to begin to climb out. And no one else can choose this for us. It's our choice.

Shakespeare said: There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so. Now, I don't know about you but I can write, direct and produce quite an impressive 5 act drama, all in the privacy of my own head. In the midst of this I can be engaging in a full-blown misery party for one. It's a pretty lonely place.

Awareness is everything though, because even when I choose to visit The Pit these days I know I am out of balance, disconnected from joy, disconnected from love and it feels so utterly uncomfortable and unnatural that I get out out quickly. I recognize that I have a choice: To Pit or Not To Pit. And that choosing To Pit is exchanging a moment of joy during my precious time on this planet for a moment of misery.

It's always our choice as to how we want to spend our precious time here and it all begins with thought.

What are you choosing today?

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