Thursday, October 05, 2006

Secrets of "The Secret" Class

Greetings Friends,

Have you seen the movie The Secret yet? For those of you who have, you know what The Secret is and for those of you who have not, I really encourage you to view this phenomenal movie. Whether you have seen it or not, you may be interested in an upcoming class I'm facilitating in the Phoenix area entitled Secrets of "The Secret". Last month I facilitated it at Unity of Phoenix and the turn out was incredible. Even more amazing is the results people are having in their lives when they learn how to apply the concepts in The Secret.

This four-week class will show you how to practically apply the concepts illustrated in the movie. By viewing portions of the movie each week, engaging in discussion and experiential exercises, you'll learn how to have greater prosperity, joy, peace, health and love, and how to create the life you truly desire.

This fun and illuminating class will teach you how to:

Align your thoughts, words and actions for success.
· Focus on what you want to manifest in your life.
· Change your thinking to create unprecedented abundance.
· Release negative emotions and replace them with positive ones.
· Let go of worry and embrace a deeper level of peace.
· Develop a closer relationship with the creator within.
· Replace beliefs that are holding you back with empowering ones.
· Harness the power of the Universe to do your bidding.
· Understand how you control the flow of “good energy” in your life.Increase your faith in Spirit, in yourself, and in your abilities.

Class: Secrets of “The Secret”
Where: Creative Living Fellowship
6530 North 7th Street, Phoenix 85014 (7th St & Maryland)
When: Thursdays Oct 12th –Nov 2nd
Time: 7:00 PM to 9 PM
Cost: Love Offering (Suggested $10.00 per class)

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