Monday, March 05, 2007

Is Your Attention on Your Intention?

Greetings Friends,

How do you desire to feel?
What are you desiring to manifest?
Is your attention fully on your intention?
Or does it frequently get diverted, re-routed and side-tracked?

It's not possible to be looking up while looking down.
We're either advancing in the direction of our dreams,
Or we're retreating from them.
We're never just doing nothing.
Either our thoughts, and energy is in alignment, or it's not.
It's not rocket science.
It's a law.

The law of attraction.

We're either drawing more of what we desire into our life,
Or we're focusing our attention away from what we desire.
We're either focusing our energy on what we want, or
Leaking our energy on what we do not want.

So where might we be leaking energy?
Old hurts
Anger, anger, anger

Bad-mouthing others

And many more...
All synonymous with a thousand names for

It's important to remember we always
Get to choose what our reaction is to any
We can choose reactions that leak our energy and spend
Non-replaceable minutes, hours, days, weeks, months,
even years
Focusing, in minute detail, what's wrong with us, our families, friends,
Communities, country and OUR world.


We can
To release habits and behaviors
That distract us from what we really desire to
Create on this journey that we're all on together.
This journey of sizzling adventure in which our daily
To create a personal heaven or hell has implications beyond
What any of us can ever possibly comprehend.

It's all about
About taking a stand
And making a decision

To proactively dare2create
A life we love and a world we
Desire to live in-- Right here, right now

It's about
Courage to explore
With rigorous
What we're holding onto
that is taking up precious space
For that which we truly desire to manifest.

It's not just about us,
It's about answering a call
To create a world of changing
Consciousness... to create a world
In which we use the resources we each
Have... our minds, our thoughts, to build
And usher in an uncharted, unprecedented
Era of co-operation, love, truth, freedom and

And it begins with the choice to choose
Peace within each of our souls at this very second.

Because if it's possible for one then it's possible for
Us all as we are ONE... one mind, one consciousness
And the time has come, as the Walrus said, to begin with
The end in mind.

So here's to freeing up space!
To the great uncluttering of the mind
Here's to rigorous honesty and
To look at what's keeping us from what we truly desire...
To willingness to discard what might have been hanging out for eons.
To living in alignment with what we desire to create in our lives and
In Our World.

Here's to
And here's to you and me!
It begins now, at this very moment
As we focus our attention fully on our intentions.
And choose to move out of leaking our energy to what we don't want.

And here's to having the passion to follow our convictions. :)