Monday, November 23, 2009

Adopting an Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude is all about appreciating the things we have in our lives. The fact that you’re breathing and reading these printed words is a marvel in itself. Are you aware of all the goodness around you? Is your attitude primarily one of gratitude or do you whinge about everything? (The word “whinge” is British and means: To complain or protest, especially in an annoying or persistent manner. Being an ex-patriot from England I love to throw in the odd Anglicism.)

Gratitude is a wonderful way to return to our natural state of happiness. By noticing what’s right instead of what’s “wrong”, and we can see every “problem” as an opportunity for growth and development. Adopting an attitude of gratitude neutralizes negative feelings. If we feel scared, gratitude returns us to trust. If we’re engaging in a full-blown pity-party, gratitude reminds us of our true fortune and blessings. If we feel off-center, gratitude grounds us in what’s important. If we’re feeling wonderful about everything, gratitude enhances those feelings.

Have you considered adopting an attitude of gratitude as a way of life? Perhaps this is a challenge for you right now because of difficulties you’re currently experiencing. The fact is, each of us has the choice to focus either on what’s not working in our lives or to focus on all we’re grateful for. The beauty of adopting an attitude of gratitude, even when our lives are not exactly where we want them to be, is that our improved attitude supports us in making changes to create more happiness in our lives. As you practice adopting your new attitude, feel grateful for the changes you want to make. Give thanks in advance. Demonstrate faith that you know better things are coming your way.

Here are some tips to help you get started as you adopt an attitude of gratitude:

1. Start or restart an attitude journal, listing all the things in your life to be grateful for and which you take for granted. Add all the things that you could not survive without, such as sunlight, air, water and food. Refer to this list whenever you’re upset.

2. Pick up the phone, or send a card to tell someone just how much you appreciate them being in your life.

3. Take time to experience the wonder and beauty of the world around you. Stop and smell the roses.

4. Focus on what’s right in your life rather than what’s wrong. Count your blessings and be thankful.

5. Smile and say “thank you” as often as possible. People love to feel appreciated.

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. --William Arthur Ward

If you haven't been to the revised dare2create site I invite you to check it out.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Are you Happy, Joyous and Free?

Is life showing up for you the way you want it to? Are you happy, joyous and free or merely scraping by? If life is not showing up for you the way you want, there’s something you can do about it! You may not be able to change your actual circumstances, however you can change your thinking about the circumstances. After all, it’s not the actual circumstances that cause us to be happy, joyous and free--it’s our thinking. And the exciting part is that we always have control over our reactions. Think about this for a moment--really think about it.

If you’re not master of your thoughts, who is?

The miracle of this is that when we become aware that we’re always at choice about how we respond to any situation, we can begin to choose thoughts that support us, rather than those which keep us locked in a state of unhappiness.

Ernest Holmes, the founder of Religious Science, had a saying: “Change your thinking, change your life.” This simple statement holds the key to manifesting a happy, joyous and free life, regardless of our circumstances. All happiness, all joy and all freedom begins within each of us. It begins as thought.

Such a simple statement, and yet our minds like to get in the way and tell us surely it must be more complicated—surely there is more to it. In our technological, scientific age we trick ourselves into believing something must be really difficult if it is to bring rewards. Often it’s the simplest things that take the most discipline and practice. When we let go of negativity, by changing our thinking, miracles abound. When we surrender to the good that God has for us, miracles abound. And it all begins with our thinking—choosing to see the good, choosing to embrace the good and choosing to let this be our guiding light in all our actions and reactions.

The really exciting thing about this is that PEACE, what so many of us long for, not only in ourselves, but also in the world, begins as thought. As we choose to change our thinking about any situation from negativity toward neutrality we contribute to peace. Where does peace begin? It begins as thought. It begins within each of us. It begins with us aligning ourselves to be happy, joyous and free, it begins with us actively choosing to release thoughts that do not serve us to be in alignment with peace. It begins with us choosing to consciously know that we have a choice over every single reaction we have. It begins with us when we take the focus off of what others are doing or not doing and turn the focus to ourselves to ask what thoughts am I holding on to, what thoughts am I choosing to believe that do no longer serve me? What thoughts am I aligning with which limit my peace?

We can’t change what other people are focusing on, but we can certainly choose where we put our attention.

There is a power for good in the universe and you can learn to use it!

By the way if you have not been to dare2create for a while I invite you to visit. The site has been redesigned in the format of an internet TV show to assist and showcase those who dare2create a life they love and a world they desire to live in! Your comments and feedback as well as sharing the dare2create site with others is most graciously appreciated.

Blessings of love and peace always,