Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Have you been lagging?

I can't believe how much time has gone by since I last did a post. 2007 seemed to just fly by. At one point I was teaching 5 Secrets classes a week. It was amazing and incredible. Then towards the end of 2007 things slowed down somewhat. Right now I don't have any Secrets classes scheduled but I'm sure I'll be doing some more in the Spring. So many people have been asking me about them. If you want to take the class right now check out for the Secrets of The Secret home study course and go at your own pace.

So have you been getting a slow start to the year? If so you're not alone. Last year so many of us were really clear when 2006 ended exactly what we desired to manifest and had very clear goals and intentions as we went into 2007. Not so for many for us as we went into 2008. Many of us have been exploring inner journeys and reconnecting with that deep place of contemplation, wondering why it seems like we are taking a while to get going in this New Year.

If you've been feeling that way, the first thing I can do to reassure you is to tell you that you're not alone. Globally, we're sitting on the precipice of some interesting energy right now. A lot of things have "been up" for people in their lives as they have been releasing what's no longer serving them. We've been called into a new level of awareness and vibration and that which is not in alignment with this newer vibration is being released. Sometimes this process occurs easily and sometimes it is more challenging. This particular "ascension" into the new vibration has been challenging for many people. We've been releasing that which we are consciously aware is not serving us and also doing some really deep work as we've been releasing that which is no longer serving humanity as a whole. Fortunately we're just about through this process for now. At last, over 2 weeks into 2008 we're finally being able to concentrate enough to get down to the business of being in the New Year. For a while it may have seemed like we were lost in a maze of introspection and that the entire year was going to be spent in limbo. Now the veil has lifted, we are recharged and ready to embrace our new awarenesses. Thank you God!

So celebrate and pace yourself. You may have emerged from this last respite with lots of energy, brimming with ideas and creativity. Remember not everything has to be completed in one day. Enjoy your gradual emergence from the cocoon and give thanks for you are indeed undergoing an incredible transformation into a beautiful butterfly and there is much for us to pollinate as we collectively dare2create a 2008 which is truly great.